My 10 Essential Holiday Stress Melters

The holidays can be a source of stress and sadness for many. Good news, here are eight free, easy and scientifically-proven strategies to lift your spirits any time of year.

Get Good Sleep to Beat Autoimmune

Poor sleep is a hallmark of autoimmune disorders. Restorative sleep is imperative for optimal immune system functioning. Learn simple science-based strategies to get good sleep.

Manifesto for Healing Autoimmune Conditions

Healing is a multi-layered journey involving body, mind and spirit. To fully reclaim your health, it’s essential to address ALL areas. Which will you try today?

Beat Autoimmune with Baby Steps: Prioritize Emotional Wellbeing

Healing from autoimmune disorders is a WHOLE-istic journey, involving mind, body and spirit. This step is all about tending to your emotional wellbeing. If you skip this step, healing may be elusive or incomplete.

Beat Autoimmune with Baby Steps: How to Have a Healing Mindset

Healing is a mind-body-spirit adventure, and it starts with embracing a healing mindset. Because whether you believe you can or you can't, you're right!

Seven Simple Stress-Reducing Strategies to Beat Autoimmune

Stress is perhaps the biggest driver of autoimmune disorders. To heal we must proactively engage the relaxation response. Here are seven of my personal favorite strategies.

Top 6 Triggers You Control to Beat Autoimmune: Stress

Stress is a major trigger and perpetuator of autoimmune conditions. Know the risks and learn what you can do to protect yourself from harm.

Get Into Nature to Heal Autoimmune

Getting into nature helps us actively engage the relaxation response, which is the healing state needed to beat autoimmune.

Love Yourself First

Self-love is essential for your health and wellbeing. Learn seven simple self-care strategies to fill yourself up. What will you do today?

Embrace a Growth Mindset to Beat Autoimmune

"Whether you believe you can or you can't, you're right." -- Henry Ford
Food Bowl

What's the best diet to beat autoimmune? The one that works for YOU.

Your FREE Optimal Food Guide will help you discover your trigger foods, learn about occasional foods, and land on your optimal foods. To your best health!